Saturday, January 25, 2025

CSIR-CSMCRI at Mandapam, Tamil Nadu.



Last date for receipt/submission Online Application: 05-02-2025 at 11:59 PM 

CSIR - Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute (CSIR-CSMCRI is one of the premier constituent establishments of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), which is an Autonomous Body under the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. CSIR-CSMCRI’s current major thrust areas of research include salt and marine chemicals, membrane-based desalination & separation processes, catalysis for marine-based organic chemicals, specialty inorganic materials, renewable energy, and waste-to-wealth creation processes. We also intensely carry out research on plant molecular biology & biotechnology with special emphasis on seaweeds, microalgae, and halophytes – their cultivation and downstream processing. We also indulge in marine environment/ecological studies and environmental impact assessment research. While working on these domains, we build human resources through S&T-led sustainable innovations that enhance the well-being of the society and nation at large. The institute has a field station – Marine Algal Research Station (MARS) at Mandapam, Tamil Nadu. The Vision of the Institute is to “Explore, harness and transform marine resources for the good of the people of India” with a laid down mission in three verticals, namely Marine Products & Processes, Marine Biology, and Marine Environment. For specific details about the ongoing research activities of the institute, please see

The institute has an excellent State-ofthe-Art accessible Centralized Instrumentation Facility that houses more than 40 sophisticated instruments for carrying out research. The institute has a good Knowledge Resource Centre that offers both physical and digital resources like journals, patents, database, software applications, etc. The institute has accommodation facilities, hostel facilities for research scholars, and IT services at both institutes and colonies with diverse demographic ambiance. Applications are invited from enthusiastic, young Indian researchers having excellent academic record and proven scientific achievements with requisite experience and a high degree of motivation and desire to take up Research/S&T Management as a career to fill up the vacancy of following posts of scientists as per the details given below:- 

Scientist Post Code 02 UR-1 

PhD (Submitted) in Biological Science. 

DE - Experience in plant genomics and NGS data analysis (genome assembly, transcriptome assembly, differential transcriptomes, gene annotation, data mining) backed with publications. The candidate has to work in the area of genomics and bioinformatics analysis including genome assembly and NGS data analysis of salt tolerant plants. Gene mining for stress tolerance and functional validation in plants.

Scientist Post Code 04 OBC-1 

PhD (thesis submitted) in Biological Sciences/ Biotechnology. 

DE - Experience in algae/plant biotechnology / molecular biology supported by research training and publications in peer-reviewed journals. The candidate has to work on genome editing of marine algae and halophyte plants for trait improvement. He/she has to characterize the molecular effect of seaweedbased bio-stimulants in plants. He/she is also expected to have knowledge of interpreting omics data and metabolic engineering. 

Scientist Post Code05 OBC-1 

PhD (thesis submitted) in the area of Biological Sciences/ Environmental Sciences/ Coastal Biology/ Marine Biology. 

Field Experience and/or PhD thesis in the area of Marine Ecology/Marine Environment / Marine EIA. Demonstrated excellence in research through publications in peer-reviewed SCI journals and/or technology development and patents. Study coastal marine flora and fauna and critical habitats. Marine / coastal sampling & studies Ecological impact prediction as part of Marine EIA. EIA report preparation and participation in the accreditation process.

Friday, January 24, 2025

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR (ON CONTRACT) at Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi.


Ad.D2/CIS/2020 14.01.2025 


Applications are invited from eligible candidates for appointment as Assistant Professor (on Contract) in the Centre for Integrated Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology as detailed below:- 

1. Name of the Department : Centre for Integrated Studies 

2. Name of Post : Assistant Professor (on Contract basis) 

3. No. of Vacancies : Assistant Professor (on Contract) in Forensic Science - One vacancy. 

4. Essential Qualification : A Master‘s degree in Forensic Science with 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned/relevant/allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university. National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC or the CSIR. Ph.D Degree holders may be exempted from NET as per the UGC Regulations 2018. Other eligibility conditions as per UGC Regulations 2018. 

5. Desirable qualification One year experience in teaching/research/laboratory in Forensic Science. Ph.D 

6. Consolidated salary per month : For Ph.D holder - ₹ 42,000/- For rest of the contract teachers - ₹40,000/- 

7. Period of appointment : Initially for a period of one year, with break during May-June vacation months and further period of extension will be decided by the University from time to time. 

8. Application form (online mode only) : Available in the University Website 

9. Application Fee : ₹ 850/- for General candidates ₹ 175/- for SC/ST candidates 

10. Mode of Fee Remittance : Online payment (through Net banking or Credit / Debit cards of almost all banks) (Payment by cash / Cheque / DD will not be accepted) 

11. Last date for submitting online application : 14.02.2025 

12. Last date for receiving hard copy of application : 21.02.2025 

13. Notification No. and date : Ad.D2/CIS/2020 dated 14.01.2025 

14. Address to which hard copy of the Application along with the supporting documents are to be submitted : The Registrar Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi – 682 022 

15. Telephone No. of the Department : 0484-2862955 

Interested candidates shall apply online through the website before the last date. The hard copy of the online application as downloaded from the website, strictly adhering to the terms/regulations mentioned in the Notification should reach the Office of the Registrar, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi – 682 022 before the last date prescribed along with the self attested copies of necessary documents in proof of all claims made in the application such as Qualification, Date of Birth, Reservation etc. Applications received after the last date prescribed will be summarily rejected. Claims made in the application without supporting documents will not be considered. Claims which are not mentioned in the original application submitted will not be considered at any later stage of application processing. Application fee is not refundable. All proceedings pursuant to this notification will be subject to the result of the Writ Petitions or Writ Appeals, if any connected with the Page 2 of 3 matter pending before the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala. Appointments, conditions of service, emoluments and other service benefits shall be governed by the provisions of KSR, KS&SSR, Act/Statutes/Ordinances and Syndicate Decisions of Cochin University of Science and Technology as amended from time to time. Communal Reservation Policy will be followed at the time of appointment.

More Info:

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Project Scientist I- Computational Biology at IRRI, Hyderabad


National Project Workforce-Project Scientist I- Computational Biology

ICRISAT seeks applications from Indian nationals for the post of Project Scientist I -Computational Biology for coordination of activities of rice emerging diseases network project at ISAH and collaborating NAREs partners. The position is within the Rice Breeding Innovations Platform-South Asia Region. This is a national position for the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Hyderabad, India.

Key responsibilities

  • Design and implement computational strategies.

  • Summarize and display complex data into actionable metrics to inform experimental design/next steps.

  • Create and troubleshoot (custom) software in order to enable high throughput analysis pipelines.

  • Analyze varied genomic data sets (transcriptomics, resequencing, genome assembly, genome annotation, metagenomics, epigenetics, etc.).

  • Develop tools for the manipulation and investigation of NGS datasets.

  • Run software and scripts while keeping excellent records.

  • Design, execute, review, and interpret experiments to provide recommendations for product development strategies.

  • Actively participate in the strategic planning and research meeting of Rice Breeding Planform and Rice Breeding SA Cluster.

  • Work with cross-functional teams to implement new technologies into new product development pipelines. 

Required qualifications and experience

  • Masters in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology with 3 years of experience in multi-omics analysis from a recognized research institute/university.

  • Proven ability to implement GAB for crop improvement.


This is a full-time position based in Hyderabad, India, and available for Indian nationals. The successful candidate should be available to commence as soon as possible for an initial three (3) year period.

How to apply: 

Applicants should apply on or before 03 February 2025, with their latest Resume, and the names and contact information of three references that are knowledgeable about their professional qualifications and work experience. All applications will be acknowledged; however only short-listed candidates will be contacted. 

Key Skills



Additional/Preferred Skills

multi-omics analysis

Preferred Qualifications

PhD in Bioinformatic

Preferred Industry Experience

Masters in Bioinform


ICRISAT offers a rewarding career opportunity in dryland agricultural research to have a lasting impact on millions of lives and communities. The state of the art research infrastructure with high performance culture, ICRISAT provides global exposure and learning. For more details, visit

More Info:

Monday, January 20, 2025

Project Scientist at DOES, NewDelhi


Project Associate at JNU, Newdelhi


School of Computational & Integrative Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi-110067

(Candidates who applied in response to this advertisement in December NEED NOT apply again)

Applications are invited for the following posts in the DBT funded project entitled “Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics: Infrastructure, Education, Training and Research in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi” at the School of Computational & Integrative Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University. The positions are purely temporary and will last as per the funds availability but at most until the current project lasts (February 2026 as of now).

Project Associate-1: Master’s Degree in Natural Or Agricultural Sciences/ MVSc or bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology or Medicine from a recognized university or equivalent.

Desirable: Two years experience of Linux based high performance Systems administration and/ or developing Bioinformatics related software tools/ managing databases preferably with a proven record of software products in public domain.

The Project Associate will be responsible for helping SCIS faculty managing their Bioinformatics products, data analyses and managing the BIC-funded computing infrastructure. Salaries will be as per DBT guidelines from time to time (currently Rs @ 31,000+24% HRA pm).

Project Scientist-I: Doctoral Degree in Science/ Engineering or Master’s Degree in Engineering or Technology (Life Sciences/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/Plant Biology or any other related field) from a recognized Institute/ University.

Desirable: Two years of experience in large-scale biological data analysis/ developing Bioinformatics or related software tools/ databases with a proven record of publications and/or software products in the public domain.

The project Scientist will be responsible for carrying out research activities in the field of Bioinformatics and emerging computational technologies, needed for data analyses, creating web and standalone tools in this area. He/she may be engaged in teaching/ training on the topics of Bioinformatics/ Computational biology, helping SCIS faculty in preparing manuscripts and research grant applications/ reports from time to time as per the time schedule advised by the PI. Salaries will be as per DBT guidelines from time to time (currently Rs 56,000+24%HRA).

The selected candidates will be appointed on purely temporary basis initially for a period of six months, which may be extended further based on the performance evaluation and subject to the availability/release of funds by the sponsoring body (DBT). The two positions above are from a pool of recurrent funds and depending on the nature of applications received, both candidates may be appointed on the same post or at a revised scale recommended by the selection committee.

How to apply: Interested candidates may apply for the position by sending their detailed Curriculum Vitae through an online application system using the following link.

1. Candidates will be shortlisted based on qualification and suitability for the project. Only the shortlisted candidates will be called for the interview. Candidates will participate in the process at their own expenses as no TA/DA will be permissible.

Last date to apply: January 25, 2024 (5:00 pm IST)

For any other queries, please contact
Mr Narender Pavan (

On behalf of
Prof Shandar Ahmad,
Principal Investigator/ Coordinator,
DBT-Bioinformatics Center (DBT-BIC),
School of Computational & Integrative Sciences,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi – 110067

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Faculty Positions at IIT, Bombay

IIT Bombay

Special Recruitment Drive for SC/ST/OBC-NC/PwBD/EWS (Advertisement No. K-16/2024-2025)

IIT Bombay invites applications for faculty positions from qualified Indian nationals who belong to:

  1. SC/ST/OBC-NC category to fill up 98 backlog vacancies till 31st December, 2024
  2. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities and
  3. Economically Weaker Section (EWS)

The last date for application is 2nd February, 2025.

Academic units: Applications are invited for positions in the following academic units.

Departments: Aerospace Engineering, Bioscience & Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Earth Sciences, Economics, Electrical Engineering, Energy Science & Engineering, Environmental Science & Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, and Physics.

Centres: Ashank Desai Centre for Policy Studies, Centre for Climate Studies, Centre for Educational Technology, Centre for Machine Intelligence and Data Science, Centre for Systems & Control, Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas, Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering, and Koita Centre for Digital Health.

Schools: IDC School of Design, Desai Sethi School of Entrepreneurship, and Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management.


Ph. D. with a first class or equivalent (in terms of Grades) in the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout. 

Additional eligibility criteria are specified separately for each academic unit. 


Assistant Professor Grade I

A minimum of three years of post-Ph.D. teaching / research / professional experience, excluding the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D.  The candidate should have demonstrated research capabilities in terms of publications in reputed journals and conferences.

Assistant Professor Grade II

Candidates satisfying all criteria of Assistant Professor Grade I, except the post-Ph.D. experience criterion for Assistant Professor Grade I, may be appointed as Assistant Professor Grade II with appropriate pay based on the number of years of post-doctoral experience. After satisfying the experience criteria required for Assistant Professor Grade I, they will be moved to Assistant Professor Grade I.

Associate Professor

A minimum of 6 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor Grade I in IITs, IISc, IISERs, IIMs or at an equivalent level in any other Indian/Foreign Universities/ Institutions/Industries of comparable level. The candidate should have demonstrated research ability with an excellent record of publications in reputed journals and conferences and must have supervised Ph.D. students. The candidate should also have demonstrated excellent teaching abilities at higher educational institutions. It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and has generated sufficient funding for research.  The criteria of supervision of Ph.D. students and teaching at higher educational institutions may be relaxed for candidates who have joined from industry. 


A minimum of 10 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research/professional experience of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc, IISERs, IIMs or at an equivalent level in any other  Indian/Foreign Universities/ Institutions of comparable level. The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area, with an excellent record of publications in reputed journals and conferences and should have graduated Ph.D. students. Candidates should also have demonstrated excellent teaching abilities at higher educational institutions. It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and has generated sufficient funding for research.  It is also desirable that the candidate has external recognition in the area of specialization. Teaching and Ph.D. guidance requirements may be relaxed for candidates from research labs if they have an exceptional research record. 

IDC School of Design 

Qualifications and Experience Criteria for Assistant Professor Grade I

A postgraduate Degree or Diploma in Design / Arts / Applied Arts, or a postgraduate Degree in Engineering / Architecture / Humanities or equivalent is required for all candidates.

For candidates with a Ph.D., the qualifications and experience criteria are as per Institute General Eligibility Criteria.

For candidates without a Ph.D., a minimum of 8 years of teaching / research / professional experience is required. However, such candidates will be required to obtain their Ph.D. within 5 years from the date of joining IIT Bombay.

Assistant Professor Grade II

Candidates with a Ph.D. satisfying all criteria of Assistant Professor Grade I, except the post-Ph.D. experience criterion for Assistant Professor Grade I, may be appointed as Assistant Professor Grade II with appropriate pay based on the number of years of postdoctoral experience. Candidates without a Ph.D. satisfying all criteria of Assistant Professor Grade I, except having only 5+ years of teaching / research / professional experience, may be appointed as Assistant Professor Grade II with appropriate pay based on the number of years of experience. After satisfying the experience criteria required for Assistant Professor Grade I, they will be moved to Assistant Professor Grade I.

Qualifications and Experience Criteria for Associate Professor and Professor Qualifications

Ph. D. with a first class or equivalent (in terms of Grades) in the preceding degree and an excellent academic record throughout.


Associate Professor

A minimum of 6 years teaching/research/professional experience (excluding the duration of the tenure of Ph.D.) of which at least 3 years should be at the level of Assistant Professor Grade I in IITs, IISc, IISERs, IIMs or at an equivalent level in any other Indian/Foreign Universities/ Institutions/Industries of comparable level. The candidate should have demonstrated research ability with an excellent record of publications in reputed journals and conferences and must have supervised Ph.D. students. Candidates should also have demonstrated excellent teaching abilities at higher educational institutions. It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and has generated sufficient funding for research. The criteria of supervision of Ph.D. students and teaching at higher educational institutions may be relaxed for candidates who have an exceptional research record.


A minimum of 10 years teaching/research/professional experience (excluding the duration of the tenure of Ph.D.) of which at least 4 years should be at the level of Associate Professor in IITs, IISc, IISERs, IIMs or at an equivalent level in any other Indian/Foreign Universities/ Institutions of comparable level. The candidate should have demonstrated leadership in research in a specific area, with an excellent record of publications in reputed journals and conferences and should have graduated Ph.D. students. Candidates should also have demonstrated excellent teaching abilities at higher educational institutions. It is desirable that the candidate has carried out laboratory development/course development/ technology development/ innovative work leading to patents and has generated sufficient funding for research. It is also desirable that the candidate has external recognition in the area of specialization.

Teaching and Ph.D. guidance requirements may be relaxed for candidates who have an exceptional research record.

General Instructions

  1. Click to access the Academic Unit specific Eligibility Criteria and Areas of Specialization.
  2. The last date to submit applications is 2nd February, 2025.
  3. First register at this link:
  4. Then fill the form, by logging in using this link:
  5. Queries may be sent by email to
  6. All the applications should be submitted through the online portal. Hard copy or soft copy submission will NOT be accepted.
  7. Separate applications must be submitted on the portal for every academic unit that a candidate wishes to apply.
  8. The candidates who applied during the last two years, may highlight the substantial improvement in their CV since the last application.
  9. Candidates, if applicable, should submit valid SC/ST/OBC-NCL (latest)/EWS/Disability certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format of Government of India along with the application form in support of their claim.
  10. Degrees obtained by the candidate should have been awarded by a recognized University/ Institute.
  11. All pertinent educational qualification certificates and the certificate mentioning the date of Ph.D. Defense must be uploaded.
  12. All experience certificates mentioning designation, pay, and tenure must be duly signed and sealed by the employer.
  13. Candidates should have an excellent academic record, good communication skills, a commitment to provide high quality undergraduate and postgraduate education, and demonstrated ability to carry out original and creative research.
  14. Political and security clearance from Ministries of External Affairs and Home Affairs is necessary in case of individuals with foreign passports.
  15. The Institute reserves the right to call for interview only those candidates shortlisted on the basis of their qualification, experience, research, publication records, and requirements of individual academic units.
  16. Mere eligibility will not vest any right on any candidate for being called for an interview. The decision of the Institute in all matters will be final.
  17. Persons employed in Government/Semi Government Organization (including Educational Institutions) must apply through proper channels OR provide No Objection Certificate while applying or at the time of interview.
  18. The Institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the posts advertised.

General Information

  1. The Institute encourages interaction of the faculty with industry, other research, and professional institutions. Consultancy is encouraged at IIT Bombay and liberal consultancy policies are in practice.
  1. Facilities for research and development activities exist in all the Departments, Schools, and Centres. These are being continuously modernized with contemporary equipment and services. Good facilities also exist for computing. The Institute has a well-stocked library with close to 3 lakhs volumes of books and electronic subscriptions to all leading journals.
  1. A technology business incubator hosted by the Institute, called the Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ( serves to promote technology based entrepreneurship by faculty.
  1. About 90% of the faculty and research staff live on the Campus. The Institute endeavours to provide suitable accommodation to all faculty. However, initially new faculty may have to stay in accommodation outside the campus. Every faculty quarter on campus is provided with intercom and broadband Internet access.
  1. Most of the day-to-day facilities are available on the Campus including two banks, a post office, a small shopping center, two schools (up to 12th standard) for children, a well- equipped 65 bed hospital, sports facilities including a swimming pool and a vast playground for field games. Cultural facilities include film clubs, Classical music societies, debating, drama, and a hobbies club. The Staff Club in particular is a centre of social and cultural activities.

More Info:
